
It really was, as were many episodes of that show.

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by The Obsolete Man

I fell for the ploy, if I knew then what I know now it would have been an informed choice between compliance or rebellion. But I was blinded by fear and complied for the perceived health of my family and myself. Going forward though, i wont get sucker punched again, and each vaccination is burned into my psyche as a reminder to Not Get Fooled Again!

Thanks for the TZ reference, I'm sure there are many more episodes poignant to today's society.

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Fooling people into believing they took it for others was clever marketing. All lies of course.

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My perspective is that everything started to go bad at the point humanity, in the persons of Adam and Eve, rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden. We have been rebelling ever since. Not one is guiltless in God‘s economy of things.

What if God is simply loosening Satan’s chains as the only hope of providing incentive for people to turn toward him as we should have done from the very start.

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Bob, if I was going to name a specific point in time, I think your suggestion would be the most accurate one.

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Excellent essay.

It really did (does) feel like an ongoing nightmare.

I recently started rewatching old episodes of The Twilight Zone. I think they’ve aged surprisingly well.

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Thanks Claudine. The Twilight Zone definitely still holds up to modern viewing. Some episodes are clearly better and more relevant than others, but I guess you could say the same for most things.

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Oh dear, God went before reality and truth. It seems we need a minder to care. Someone we can’t 💩. That God was defenestrated before reality and “truth” is historical fact.

Now I am just standing for the history, you may believe whatever you like...

The State doesn’t care either...

... as long as you do what you’re told, or nudged to do... and keep your opinions to yourself.

A tyranny of school teachers.

Worry not, proper tyrants shall come.

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A tyranny of school teachers. Well said.

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A 'pox' of health officials??? Teachers, like many of, us had little choice but to acquiesce to the tyranny of 'experts'

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One of the observations made by those who survived communist states was their attempt to induce cowardice. You cave in to some edict, and they know you've caved in, and you are painfully aware of it too. Especially your voluntary cowardice. And it is this that crushes your spirit, not the threat of the gulag. And it works.

Although not with you. So your instincts were spot on. You retained something more valuable than a job or money. You can always make more money, but once you embrace cowardice it is a very long road back.

Well done for resisting. I did too.

Good article. Thanks for publishing it.

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Thank you. Humiliating ourselves like that is definitely something we do not easily come back from. Glad others saw the situation for what it was.

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Great rendition! Here is mine for a comparison. https://frederickrsmith.substack.com/p/the-obsolete-man

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I began to write about the present mass delusions that are slowly becoming ones of mandatory participation, but I keep recoiling from the gross negativity required to cover it adequately.

So tonight I wrote about a pleasant memory instead. We are so doomed.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by The Obsolete Man

This is the 3rd piece of yours I've consumed since discovering your Substack today. I have really have an admiration for your writing; particularly your topics-of-choice.

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Thank you for your kind words Preston. I really appreciate it!

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I would very much like to watch that episode. Hadn't heard of that particular one and I'm always down for hating on communism.

Have you considered sending your boss former updates of yourself, happy and employed, to remind him of what he tried to do and say you don't regret it? These little tyrants deserve to be reminded.

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I was demoted from my position as a corporate officer because I wouldn't support a mask mandate at our company. I then resigned before I was fired. I have no regrets.

They never mandated the jabs, but the federal mandate was breathing down our necks and the owners were salivating at the prospect of being able to force everyone to get jabbed.

Before I left, I was told by the corporate safety officer that he noticed that I was the only person in the company of about 150 people who had never called in sick over the two years that we had been dealing with COVID. I was never sick and never tested.

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Best Twilight Zone episode EVER!

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"From the beginning of 2020 to present it has felt, for anyone paying attention,..." That is a very small amount of modern moron slaves, those that were "paying attention".

"Their goal was to force us to submit. To demoralize. To humiliate." Their GOAL goes way beyond those: https://postimg.cc/NLdGHgVG

After many years of trying - https://postimg.cc/HJZRFg0r - to achieve the level of success that OPERATION COVIDIUS provide them, two major factors justify the success: The wide spread of the WWW and even more than that the global use of the "smart"phone. These two factors never existed at the same time in those other "pandemics" attempts. We can put aside the ZIKA and Ebola ones since these weren't targeted for the Global Herd.

I'm probably one of the very few modern moron slaves that never allowed them to: Use the PCR kit on me, inject me with toxic and experimental spew, self-lockdown, wear a muzzle and so on.

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"I won’t argue for any specific timeline when it comes to the gradual loss of our humanity." why are you assuming that uman animals have "humanity"? What is "humanity"?

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by The Obsolete Man

Conceptualising the superintelligence or hive mind as an elite is a useful heuristic for prediction.

e.g. conspiracy theories are often wrong but more often directionally correct - rich and powerful people really do meet up in private and make decisions in their own interests, direct the narrative in the media and shape legislation beyond the ability of plebs to often even understand let alone influence. The latter is nearly all done openly, but perceived by low information people as conspiracy.

Calling this out or supporting it, highlighting the faux morality of many dominant media narratives or supporting them etc, all influence the super organism’s emergent decision making to one degree or another.

What are your views on nihilism?

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Dec 27, 2023Liked by The Obsolete Man

There may well be a lot of truth in this as well aspects of karma and other unseen influences- however it is clear that the CDC, WHO and NIH had a compelling influence on world governments and their health departments and such influence was driven by a handful of people.

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I get that. But we have to take into account the levels of marketing. The fear campaigns. People calling for lockdowns was a result of that.

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Would you still say that after attending one of their satanic sacrificial orgies on, say, Easter, Samhain or Christmas?

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