Aug 22Liked by The Obsolete Man

Hey man thank you for the shout out! I am super honored that you are reading my stuff!

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Aug 22Liked by The Obsolete Man

Thank you so much for including my piece in this excellent collection; I am honored and looking forward to checking out some of these other writers. Looking forward to your next piece as well! Thank you again.

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I would reprise the sentiments of the other writers here in that I am delighted and honoured to have my verbal meanderings added to your reading list. I will be diving into these over the coming while as they look excellent. Also looking forward to your future jottings.Thank you!

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Aug 21Liked by The Obsolete Man

Thanks for the mention! Being listed alongside so many great writers is truly an honor.

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I am honored and humbled for the reference to my essay.

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Apart from that charlatan Spiff, this is an excellent collection of reading. Thanks for posting, and for the plug.

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Very nice descriptions of these pieces and I plan to read some of them. Thanks

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Thanks for the mention! Glad you enjoyed my article on Lincoln.

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Thank you for the link to my Salt piece. Much appreciated.

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