This was a good read. In my experience, the insane problems with the food industry in the U.S. are so glaring to people who live in different countries. For example, when I talk to people from Europe online, they just can’t believe the way Americans eat. It’s odd to think that some people still don’t realize that when you walk into a grocery store, you have to be in “avoid poison” mode. Although it seems more people are waking up to this terrible reality. It would be great if more people like RFK would speak up and do something about the matter.

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It’s kind of a unique situation here.

I think for the generation that grew up during the Great Depression, the idea of convenience and abundance trumped any concerns about quality or moderation. Those people were just elated to have plentiful food available. They raised their kids not to question what was understandably seen as a blessing. Their Boomer kids carried that attitude to where we find ourselves today.

Generational layers of brainwashing make it all seem normal to us when it’s anything but.

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Aug 29Liked by The Obsolete Man

I am a surgeon. I tell my patients diet and exercise are magic pills. Exercise is wonderful for anxiety. Don’t eat foods with more than 5 ingredients. Shop the outside of the grocery stores not the inner aisles

Kennedy thinks vaccines may be implicated in autism. I’m not sure but at least he is ASKING THE QUESTION. He is brave. We need many more brave leaders.

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Please, please read more about the extremely significant harms all vaccines cause, especially the many, many vaccines that are given to newborns and very young babies and children. I have read and listened to a great deal about vaccines over the years (before the terrible Covid ‘vaccines’) and I can only conclude, as Mr Kennedy and many others have, that vaccines absolutely do cause autism and many other auto immune conditions, right down to peanut allergies. I have also spoken to parents of autistic children who are convinced it was the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine that caused their child’s autism- one day fine and normal the next day, very soon after the shot, their child changed. The anti-vaccine (we should all be anti) movement needs more doctors to speak out. Books such as Turtles all the way Down and Dissolving Illusions are a good place to start, as is Mr Kennedy’s own book on Fauci. The long history of vaccines, going back to the late 1700s, is shocking and many doctors over the centuries have spoken out about the harms of this quack science. Unfortunately, big pharma seems to have dictated all doctors’ ideas on jabs nowadays. But vaccines have never been any good, and have never saved any child or adult from disease. Health improvements from the late 19th century were entirely down to better sanitation and better housing and nutrition for the poor living in large towns and cities.

If you believe, as it seems you do, that a low carb, high animal fat diet is the best for human health, you know that all governments throughout the West have been lying about diet since the 1970s. Why wouldn’t they lie about something far, far more profitable for their donors, that is the pharmaceutical industry? Did you know, that by government own records, cot (crib) death went down during the fake pandemic because babies weren’t being jabbed so much, if at all? Surely this is worth looking into and should arouse grave suspicions. Babies and children are dying, and are suffering autism and other diseases such as asthma. Please, please read about this, and if you are convinced, as most people are when they look into it, try to convince other doctors.

From a very concerned grandmother on the U.K.

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You are what you eat. Alas I have found many doctors fairly ignorant about nutrition and even dismissive of its healing qualities.

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Good point. I surely could learn more!! I’m forever disappointed with the food my patients are served postop in the hospital 😩

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I think general awareness of nutrition is lacking. I sympathize with GPs who understand most of their patients will not make significant lifestyle changes even in light of surgery etc. So statins and all the other modern crutches make sense.

But almost everyone improves if they remove processed food, sugar and refined carbs. A chicken salad with traditional fats like cheese or olive oil is easy to understand.

I have come to believe exercise is really the thing though. We are not designed to loaf around doing nothing. Cars and elevators alone probably shorten people's lives.

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Terrific writing about what almost seems a taboo subject because so many people , if they accept the truth of the matter, will also need to accept that they need to make big changes in their lifestyle, and in many cases that of their children, to free themselves from that bad food/ bad medicine cycle. I am in the UK and the overweight/obese numbers are not far behind the US, so I can relate to your writing here. The RFK speech was so strong and unequivocal and I presume millions will have seen it. So it will be interesting to see what position he gets if (when!) DJT wins in November.

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For a lot of people it is a weird blind spot. These systems have been in place long enough that they feel natural to people. If you can get them to start questioning the underlying premises and looking into how things got this way, a lot of people start seeing it everywhere and speaking out.

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Great piece. Seed oils are especially pernicious. They are in everything.

But as with so much in life, it is possible to avoid the worst of it. But it takes effort. It is inconvenient. Like exercise. Or avoiding binge watching crap online. It requires choices.

It is entirely possible for anyone to avoid most of the rot, both food and information. It just takes effort. That is perhaps the real judgment of the modern age. The average person is an easy target for the seed oil, soy, sugar pushers because they want everything in their life to be convenient. Most don't wish to cook after all.

That said it is a disgrace what is allowed into the food supply. Given how much focus the government places on personal firearms, a fraction of that would solve a lot of the food problems.

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It can definitely be avoided. As with almost everything, personal responsibility is still the most important factor. It’s disgusting what they’ve done to the food supply, but ultimately, the flood of poison is only as damaging as we allow it to be.

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Aug 28Liked by The Obsolete Man

Creating a population too fat to fight, too demoralized to think straight, debt slaves, and medicated which leads to no discernment on what is happening around them and to them.

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Conditioned on all fronts.

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Aug 29Liked by The Obsolete Man

Spot on brother. From food to debt and everything inbetween.

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Aug 30Liked by The Obsolete Man

I was in an organic food store recently, and saw they had jugs of organic canola oil. Lots of 'em, too, a whole shelf full of organic canola oil. You know, so you can stay healthy! While you fry up your organic vegan gluten free grilled cheese sandwiches! It's good for the planet! Stop asking questions!

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Aug 30Liked by The Obsolete Man

This was so necessary and well said. Sadly, the horrible processed junk is cheap. And yeah, it’s shocking how many people are unaware of how awful all that junk is for your system.

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Aug 29Liked by The Obsolete Man

Food pyramid is upside down at best!

Fresh organic vegetables and fruits

Grass fed beef

Hormone free milk

Free range chickens

Stay away from processed foods and drinks

With chemicals you cannot pronounce

Cook at HOME…saves money

Industrial food giants are not your friend!

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Aug 29Liked by The Obsolete Man

You know, some very respectable people on here are very alarmed about the potential negative repercussions of Obamala’s “food price control” policies. I mostly agree, but one positive thing never mentioned is that food desert’s and empty shelves may be just what we need to break this addiction to Big Food poison. People will be incentivized to grow, eat, and even sell their own food where possible. For example, my neighbor would be forced to use his 5 acres to grow food and raise goats/chickens instead of mowing for 5 hours and driving 30 miles to the nearest Sam’s Club once a week. The population will eat less food and healthier food. Many people will leave the cities. All good IMO. A second order effect of a terrible policy.

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Aug 29Liked by The Obsolete Man

I write this as an European that has no first-hand experience of food in the US. While I agree with many of your criticisms, I still think that people are ultimately responsible for their own food choices. Yes, there is a problem witih so-called "food deserts" in the US, where people have little convenient access to healthy food (which in itself is often a consequence of failed city planning, forcing people to drive everywhere instead of having grocery stores in walkable distance). Still, most people shop their food at places where they are free to choose unprocessed ingredients over hyperpalatable highly processed foods. Most do not seem to do so, if we go by the statistics on overweight and obesity in the US. Here in Europe, we have the majority of these processed foods as well - but it seems that they are probably consumed less, even though I am often appalled by what I see in people's shopping carts at the grocery store.

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You are correct in pointing out that personal responsibility is the most important factor.

Just as a gambling addict only has himself to blame when he goes bankrupt.

That said, when the government and institutions team up to design the most addictive and manipulative casino possible, and ceaselessly encourage the gambling addict to spend all his time there, we understand how so many end up ruined.

People have to wake up and take care of themselves. There is no getting around that. We should also demand that the pushers of the poison stop taunting and encouraging people not to do so.

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Aug 29Liked by The Obsolete Man

Government should NEVER support/encourage dangerous addictive behaviors. Sugar subsidies. Gambling/lotteries.

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Just a caution on “just as a gambling addict only has himself to blame when he goes bankrupt.” Addictions are serious diseases that many are prone to for a variety of reasons. I’m also a big believer in taking full responsibility for one’s actions but I wouldn’t dare say “that diabetic (or cancer patient or alcoholic) has only himself to blame for his loss.” Now, they do have a responsibility, as only they can do, to understand the nature of their disease and then respond appropriately to maximize their health.

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Aug 29Liked by The Obsolete Man

On the flip side, nobody forces Europeans to become hysterical about climate to the point they decommission nuclear plants while firing up lignite coal plants, and eviscerate their children’s employment prospects, but they do.

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This was a fabulous post, thank you. And although I understand your rationale here: (e.g. “I don't believe that veganism or organics are the solution, but I applaud anyone that identifies an issue and works out solutions for themselves”), I would like to suggest veganism and sustainable, organic, and biodynamic agriculture IS the solution—to obesity, environmental degradation, climate change, and many other things. And we have to be smart Vegans as well (seed oils and oreos are vegan!). Those of us who are passionate about this way of Being must be compelled to champion these lifestyle practices in apolitical, non-“militant” ways so that those we talk with aren’t shamed or demeaned. This is also why RFK Jr. was the wrong messenger—he’s on to the right message (in this very limited context), but he’s way too whacked out to be taken seriously in matters such as these. Your writing is a much better way to share this vital information—so the more that rational people offer well-argued, backed by evidence and research, rationale, the more people may become curious enough to start making some changes.

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